There are many things that do not need to be purchased immediately. It is also not clear what the lowest price for a certain item could be. One could spend hours researching best prices and still find it cheaper weeks later. The following technique requires almost no work and is likely to get you the best price for items you don’t need right away.
1. When you want something, search for it on Amazon. Then click add to Wish List. Get in a habit of doing this for everything. A smartphone and the Amazon Mobile app make this convenient anywhere.
2. One time step – Create a free account on Follow the instructions to allow CamelCamelCamel to see your Amazon Wish List. You will get an email when the price of something you list drops in price.
3. You could stop there but if you want more control, read on. First, let is find the history of the cost of something using CamelCamelCamel at Amazon. Below is a price history for a rain barrel;
History would suggest $199 is not the best price. Simply instruct CamelCamelCamel (CCC) to send you an email when it gets to $140 or even $130. Note the CCC is expanding this to search other sites so you just don’t have to buy from Amazon.