Pechins Mill road (often pronounced “peachins”) parallels the Perkiomen Creek in Montgomery County Pennsylvania.
One of the finest views of Collegeville can be obtained by crossing Perkiomen Bridge and going to the point known to people of the locality as Green Hill or Pechin’s Mill On ascending this hill the Perkiomen seems to wind slowly along and one of the most fertile farms of the township lies on the farther side of the stream The village scene is a peaceful panorama before the beholder while the tower of Ursinus halls rises as the central figure
In summertime it is delightful to drift down the stream in a boat to the unconventional shades. Those who are inclined to study local tradition can appeal to an historian living near. The site of Pechin’s Mill was included in the four hundred acre once owned by Owen Evans, who lived from 1760 to 1812. This prominent citizen we engaged in making guns for the United States army. Powder mills and establishments for the manufacture and repair of small-arms were operated at many place in the county in those days. The road by which Green Hill is accessible was a source of great contention in year gone by, as was also the possession of water right. Seven different owner occupied the grist mill during its better days. – BY MINERVA WEINBERGER – Reference 1
This .69 caliber U.S. smoothbore flintlock pistol was made by O & E. Evans of Evansburg under contract to Pennsylvania during the War of 1812. It has a walnut half stock with a wide brass barrel band and spring, brass mountings including a brass flashpan, a double necked reinforced hammer, and an iron ramrod with a button tip.. The lockplate is stamped “EVANS. The barrel has a sunken “P” stamp and has “PM FS 1814” on the underside.. History:. Edward Evans worked with Owen Evans in 1798 to produce Charleville Muskets for Purveyor of Public Supplies, Tench Coxe. They continued to work together till Owen’s death in 1812. Edward carried on the business filling the contract on August 14, 1815. He produced this type of pistol for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for use during the War of 1812.. Reference 2
Pechins Mill road is a dead-end road today. In 1857, the road looped uphill to the area around Level road.

Reference 3 – Green line is today’s Pechin Mill road with the southern portion being a private drive.
There were also more businesses near the entrance to Pechins Mill road in the nineteenth century. Today the defunct Collegeville Inn borders the bridge and Pechins Mill and is likely to be turned into an assisted care facility called Providence Place.
In the 20th century, people from Philadelphia would take the Ridge Pike trolley to Pechins Mill road to enjoy the outdoors on holiday. A number of cabins were built along the river that today are homes. The owners of the mill built a house in 1801 upstream from the mill. There were boat rentals on the creek as the numerous damns provided more consistent water levels for water sports.
1. Book – The Perkiomen Region, Past and Present, Volume 1
2. Web – Smithsonian 1814 Pistol
3. 1857 map of Lower Providence
5. Web – The Evans Family of Valley Forge – Tredyffrin Easttown Historical
6. Book – American Gun Makers – January 1, 1945 by L. D.; Gluckman, Arcadi Satterlee